3a Howard Place
In The Heart Of St Andrews
Cancellation Policy
To confirm your booking a non-refundable deposit of 25% of the holiday rental cost is required to be paid by Bank account transfer at the time of booking.
Bookings made less than 49 days (7 weeks) before your arrival and the rental start date must be paid in full.
The balance must be paid no later than 49 days (7 weeks) before the commencement of your holiday. If the balance is not received by the due date, then your rental will be treated as a cancellation and you will remain liable to pay the balance of the rent.
​Cancellation By Us
We reserve the right to cancel the booking if the balance for your stay has not been received 49 days (7 weeks) prior to your arrival or by such other date as we may specify in writing.
​In the event of the Property becoming unavailable due to a problem with the property or its facilities or for any other reason, we have the right to cancel your booking by notice in writing to you and all sums paid by you will be refunded in full. We will endeavour only to cancel your booking if it is unavailable for reasons beyond our control.
We will attempt to offer you alternative dates for rental of the property, however if this is not possible, or is unacceptable to you Our liability will not extend beyond this refund.
In the event of a Government lock down due to Covid-19 or if you can provide evidence that you need to transfer your booking due to a Covid-19 related matter we will allow one transfer of your booking to a revised date within 12 months. You will be able to select a date of the same value (or pay the seasonal difference) to the same property. All transfers will be at the sole discretion of the property owners.
​Cancellation By You
In the event of a cancellation by you, you must notify us as soon as possible in writing. Any payments made prior to the date of cancellation are non-refundable. If the booking is cancelled by you prior to the date which is 49 days (7 weeks) before the rental period is due to begin, you will not be obliged to pay the remaining balance but the deposit is forfeit.
We strongly advise that you procure cancellation insurance for your holiday booking.